FINALLY! A New Way To Eliminate Your Foreign Accent

Speak Perfect English Without Paying $$$ For Expensive Accent Reduction Classes

Learn the 1 method to get rid of traces of your foreign accent with help from a dedicated and growth-obsessed American accent coach. 15+ years of experience teaching people from all over the world.

Tired Of People Asking You To Repeat Yourself Because They Can’t Understand Your Accent Even When You Speak Fluently?

It’s 2 AM, and you’re desperately Googling “how to get rid of your foreign accent.” You’ve scoured Reddit threads, Quora forums, and countless YouTube tutorials, hoping to find the magic solution.

You’ve heard it all: "Watch more American TV!" "Mimic native speakers!" "Learn the IPA!" "Practice, practice, practice!" You’ve diligently followed the advice, and maybe you've even seen some improvement. But deep down, you know it’s not enough.

You still get the occasional “huh?” from colleagues and friends. You’re still not being understood the way you want to be.

So you start exploring accent reduction classes, only to be hit with a gut-wrenching, costing-you-an-arm-and-leg-reality: your chances of affording them are about as realistic as winning the lottery.

You're stuck in this frustrating loop. You know you're fluent in English. You've got the vocabulary, the grammar, the whole shebang. But that darn accent keeps getting in the way.

So what’s a desperate, highly driven go-getter like you got to do?

Master Your American Accent With
A FREE “American Accent Masterclass”

From A Professional Coach With 15+ Years Of Experience— No Standard Textbook Stuff. Only Complex Technical Topics On Prosody And Pronunciation

Forget cookie-cutter accent programs or YouTube coaches who don’t really go beyond teaching you the basics.

As your American Accent Coach, I will help guide you through the nitty-gritty of American English so you can sound like a natural.

Here’s what’s in store for you in my FREE American Accent Masterclass held every last Thursday of the month:

FREE, 1 Hour-Long Classes (At Least) Held Every Last Thursday Of The Month

Stop wasting your time on free online resources that barely scratch the surface. Our workshops are FREE, but we dive deep into the tricky stuff: vowel reductions, consonant clusters, and those elusive linking sounds that make all the difference.

Learn From A Professional Accent Coach Who’s Been Teaching For Over 15 Years

Accelerate your progress and achieve a clear, confident American English pronunciation with proven strategies and personalized guidance from a seasoned accent coach who’s taught over 100+ students.

Complex Accent Topics That Cover Technical Aspects Like Rhythm, Stress, Intonation, And Other Pronunciation Nuances

Make no mistake, this isn't just a "free workshop." It's a masterclass in American English pronunciation. Forget the basics, I will teach you complex topics and more to help you conquer even the most challenging aspects.

Access Proprietary Learning Resources Like Downloads, Slides, And Post-Recordings FOR FREE FOREVER

Learn even after the workshop ends. You’ll get access to exclusive resources including recordings, slides, worksheets, and more which you will not get outside of this masterclass. Read, write, speak, and perfect your American accent at your own pace and own terms.

Live Sessions, Not Pre-Recorded

Get instant feedback on your vowel sounds, master tricky consonant clusters, and fine-tune your intonation patterns — all in real-time. Ask me anything, and I'll provide personalized feedback to help you overcome those stubborn accent hurdles.

Rotating Accent Topics To Help You Gain A New Skill Each Month

You will receive comprehensive training in various aspects of pronunciation and prosody, ensuring a sure and steady progress towards your accent goals.

Hear From Over 30+ Students Who’ve Become More Confident In Speaking English After Joining My American Accent Masterclass

You’re probably scratching your chin, wondering why you should trust ME.

I know, I know. Talk is cheap. But don't just take my word for it. Let's hear what my students have to say about their transformations:

Eliska Bouskova

Bianca is both incredibly professional and friendly at the same time. Working on your pronunciation and accent can be pretty intimidating, it requires stepping out of your comfort zone and showing your weaknesses. So, it's important to work with someone who's not only an expert in their field, but also someone who supports you and who you can trust. Bianca is definitely one of these people. Unlike many other teachers, Bianca asks you about your goals and makes the learning process as personalized as possible. She analyzes your reading and free speech which helps you realize what it is you need to focus on. She provides tons of material to practice with, explains new concepts in an easy way, makes you drill difficult sounds over and over again, provides honest feedback; and last but not least, she truly cares for her students.

Konstantin Rozhkov

Konstantin Rozhkov, a Russian-born documentary filmmaker. His 13-year experience in journalism has seen him travel all over the world to cover breaking news stories in English. He’s made several films on hot topics in the US, the Middle East, and Africa which garnered hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube.

"I knew a few things about working on my accent before. But Bianca helped to get it to a whole new level. For several lessons, she explained to me tons of nuances about English sounds, which otherwise would have taken me months or even years of self-study. Her classes are very structured, which means there is no time-wasting and every minute you spend goes to building up your speaking confidence and accuracy. Of course, there is no easy way to get rid of or even reduce your native accent, but Bianca knows a lot of “tricks” that can help you improve your English pronunciation right away. I’m still using the drills and warm-up routines she tailored for me to work on some of my soft spots. That experience totally helped me to make a difference".

Irina Brodskaya

I took a bunch of classes with Bianca, and I can tell that she is an excellent teacher, very knowledgeable, and kind. We worked on my accent patterns to eliminate minor errors in my accent, and on my videos for a pronunciation blog. I am an accent coach myself, but I’m not a native English speaker, so once in a while, I ask a professional phonetician to assess my accent. I was phonetically trained as a student, and I deal with phonetics on a daily basis, so I can tell that Bianca definitely does know phonetics, and she is very good at explaining it. Second, we were working on my videos for the blog, and it was excellent too. She had loads of ideas to share, was very creative and encouraging. I recommend Bianca to anyone who needs to improve their skills for public speaking and/or social media content creation. Bianca is very professional, and her knowledge of phonetics and teaching methods are impressive.

I Lose About $6,840 A Year Just By Offering This Masterclass For Free

So why am I doing it? What’s the catch?

There isn’t one.

Well, not in the way you might think.

See, I’m not some slick salesperson trying to trick you into a high-priced program. I’m an accent coach first with a mission to empower you to speak with the clarity and confidence I know you’re capable of.

And this American Accent Masterclass? It’s my not-so-secret weapon.

They’re my way of proving to you— beyond a shadow of a doubt— that my method works. That I can take your accent frustrations, and turn them into fluent, natural-sounding American English.

I’m betting on you. I’m betting that once you experience my approach, you’ll be hooked. You’ll find yourself anxiously waiting every last Thursday of the month, trigger-happy fingers, waiting to sign up to my masterclass before slots fill up.

And just like that, you become unstoppable. The life of the party, the one everyone wants to talk to. Your charisma is through the roof. Your boss isn't just listening now - they're practically BEGGING for your opinion.

Those colleagues who used to laugh at the way you mispronounced certain words at work? They're eating their words (and maybe a little bit of their hearts out) as you rocket past them on the career ladder.

That dream gig you thought was out of reach? It's in the bag. You're the hot new talent, the one everyone's buzzing about.

I could go on and on and on but you get the picture.

Because when you’re ready to take your progress to the next level, to truly master the nuances of American English, be it speaking, writing, or whatever your goals are, I’ll be here, ready to guide you through it.

But let’s not think too far ahead. Let’s focus on the NOW— let me help you unlock your confident voice for FREE.

No strings attached. No hidden agenda, Just pure, unadulterated accent-busting lessons to get you out of the learning plateau..

HURRY! Sign Up To This Month’s FREE American Accent Masterclass! Only few Days Left!

FAQs About My Free Workshop

  • Yes, 100% free! There are no hidden fees, no upsells, and no catches. I'm obsessed with helping you improve your communication skills and I want to make accent training accessible to you, which is why I’m holding this free workshop.

  • Not at all! It’s always great to see your faces and create a more interactive environment! But if you’re not comfortable with video, that’s perfectly fine. You can still fully participate and benefit from the workshop through audio only.

  • Absolutely not! The workshop, post-recordings, slides, and other resources you’ll get from the workshop is free and yours to keep, forever.

  • Life happens! If you can't make it to the live session, don't worry. We'll record the workshop and send you the link so you can watch it at your convenience. You won't miss out on any valuable insights.

  • It depends on the specific topic I’m covering for that month but each workshop is at least 1 hour long, guaranteed. 

  • Anyone can join! Whether you’re just starting out or already fluent, I welcome you to attend the session.

  • We might have some interactive sessions that require the participants to speak, but don’t worry! We create a safe and supportive space where everyone feels comfortable practicing their pronunciation, whether they’re new or returning students. 

  • No mandatory homework, but I'll provide practice materials and resources to help you continue your progress outside of the workshops. 

  • You'll start noticing improvements right after 1 session! My workshops are designed to give you immediate, actionable techniques that you can implement from day one.

    As soon as after 1 session

  • Many free resources just focus on general tips or pronunciation drills. My masterclass covers prosody and pronunciation topics in-depth. What’s more is that I provide personalized feedback to each participant that needs, in a live, safe, and interactive setting. Plus, you'll be part of a supportive community of learners, all working towards the same goal.