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Don’t Miss Out on Our Free Office Hours: Join Us on Discord!

Come get answers on Wednesdays!

As the world becomes increasingly digital, we have more opportunities to connect with people who share our interests.

One of the best ways to connect with others and learn from their experiences is by joining a community. And that’s exactly what we offer at Master an American Accent: a community of people who want to improve their accents and sound like a native speaker.

We hold Free Office Hours every Wednesday, and we’d love for you to join us.

Unfortunately, our newsletter is sent on Thursday mornings, which is too late to remind you about Wednesday’s event.

So, mark your calendar now and make sure you don’t miss the next one!

Our Office Hours are an opportunity for you to meet me and ask any questions you have about accents. It’s also a chance to hear from others and learn from their experiences. We meet on Discord, a platform that combines the best of Zoom and Reddit. It’s an easy and secure way to connect with others who share your interests.

If you’re new to Discord, don’t worry.

It’s easier than you might think. Discord allows you to join groups based on your interests, and our server is specifically for people who want to Master an American Accent.

To make it even easier, we’ve created a five-minute tutorial on how to use Discord. Once you’re in, you can see the time of our Office Hours in your local time at the top left in Events.

>> Join our FREE Master an American Accent Discord Server and meet us there on Wednesdays for a free drop-in session where you can ask anything during our Office Hours. <<

We believe that everyone can improve their accent with practice and guidance. That’s why we’ve created this community: to provide support, resources, and a safe space for people who want to Master an American Accent.

Watch here: This is a 5 minute tutorial about how to use Discord, because I know new apps are scary!

You can see the time of Office Hours in your local time at the top left in Events!

This is the FREE join link for my Discord Community server!

So, don’t wait any longer. Join us on Discord and take the first step towards sounding like a native speaker. We can’t wait to meet you!

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